
1. Chr. Lash, Culture of Narcissism, Warner Books, 1979, p.155.
2. Николай Бердяев, Русская идея, YMCA, Париж, 1971, стр.15.
3. Theodore Roszak, Person/Planet, Anchor Press, N-Y., 1978, p.204.
4. Theodore Roszak,.......... p.92.
5. Mark Сеrzоn, The Whole World is watching, Paperback, N-Y., 1970, p.94.
6. Mark Сеrzоn...... ..... p.108.
7. Mark Gerzon...... ..... p. 21.
8. Chr. Lash...........р. ЗЗ. 
9. Max Hamburgh,............P .50-1.
10. Max Hamburgh,..........P- 54.
11. Max Hamburgh,..........P .55.
12. Max Hamburgh,..........P .51-2.
I3. Arnold A. Hutschnecker, The Drive for Power, M. Evans and Company, N-Y., 1974, p.305.
14. Mark Gerzon........... p. 47.
15. Lawrence F. Schiff, The Obedient Rebels - Youth in Modern Society, ed. by S. Clark and J. Clark, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., N-Y., 1972, p.341.
16. Max Hamburgh........... p. 53.
17. Chr. Lash........... p. 331.
18. Theodore Roszak, The Making of a Counter Culture, Anchor Books, N-Y., 1969, P.267.
19. Theodore Roszak,. ......... P. 268.
20. Chr. Lash........... p. 22.
21. Max Hamburgh,.. ........p. 57.
22. Max Hamburgh,.. ........ p.113.
23. Chr. Lash........... p. 208.
24. Mark Gerzon,...... .... p. l69.
25. Mark Gerzon,...... .... p.169.
26. Chr. Lash........... p.154.
27. Octavio Paz, Conjunctions and Disjunctions, Transi. from the Spanish by
Helen R. Lane, The Viking Press, N-Y., 1974, p.134-5.
28. Octavio Paz........... p.133.
29. Octavio Paz, Alternating Current, Transi. Press, 1973, p.167.
30. Octavio Paz,... p.168.
31.Octavio Paz,.. p.168.
32. Octavio Paz,... p.176.
33. Octavio Paz, The Bow and the Lyre, Transi. by Ruth L. C. Simms, Me Craw-Hill Book 
Company, 1973, p. 212.
34. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor, Escape Attempts. The  Theory and Practice of Resistance to 

Life, Penguin, 1978, p.41.
35. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor,. p.20.
36. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor,.p.174.
37. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor,.p.38.
38. Chr. Lash........... p. l72-3.
39. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor,.p. 35-6.
40. Stanley Cohen and Laurie Tailor,.p. l34-5.
41. Judah Stampfer, Face and Shadow, Simon and Schuster, N-Y., 1971, p. 34.
42. Judah Stampfer........... p. 41.
43. Chr. Lash........... p. 305.
44. Urie Bronfenbrenner, Freidian Theories of Identification and Their Derivatives, - Sociocultural 
Foundations of Personality, Honghton Mibblin Company, Boston, 1965, p. 256.
45. Urie Bronfenbrenner........... p. 256.
46. Uric Bronfenbrenner, Two Worlds of Childhood, U.S. and USSR. A Touchstone Book, 1970, p.132.
47. Uric Bronfenbrenner, Freidian Theories........... p.255.
48. Urie Bronfenbrenner,........... p.254-5.
49. Urie Bronfenbrenner,........... p.254.
50, Urie Bronfenbrenner, Two Worlds of Childhood,..........p.130.
51. Urie Bronfenbrenner........... p. 130.
52. Urie Bronfenbrenner........... p. 130.
53. Chr. Lash........... p.158.
54. Gabriel Marcel, Man Against Mass Society, Gateway Ed., Chicago,1952, p.149.
55. Erik H. Erikson, Young Man Luther, The Norton Library, N-Y., 1962, p. 118. 